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The Full Story


As a byproduct of technological advancement, our society has grown accustomed to instant-gratification and instant-relief based coping skills. This trend has created a poor capacity to tolerate discomfort and a rise in mood-dependent behavior. The ability to cope with various life stressors, relationship dynamics, and day-to-day discomfort is essential to having a happy and fulfilling life. Brain Repair focuses on the development of sustainable, adaptive coping skills to build long-term resiliency within our clients.



Maladaptive skills can include substance use, video games, social media, validation seeking, self-harm, sex, porn, isolating, procrastinating, emotional eating, shopping and many others. These strategies typically result in momentary joy or relief but ultimately a more difficult tomorrow.  Our mission is to assist our clients in developing the capacity to deal with discomfort without having to resort to these ineffective strategies that inevitably borrow from tomorrow's happiness. 


In graduate school, I was given an assignment to "cure" one of the major challenges in our society. The paper I wrote was to eradicate drug addiction from our society by implementing coping skills education within our schools. Oversimplified, addiction is largely a poor coping strategy where an external, temporary mechanism for relief is used over and over again. Ever since writing that paper, I've wanted to provide assistance to others in the form of coping skills education and training. Brain repair is the culmination of that long-term goal from years past.

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